I have had a bronchial infection for over 3 weeks now. It is finally starting to get better, but I have been medicated forever, or so it seems. I know I was in a daze for a week or more, zonked out on the cold meds.
I haven't felt like doing any big crocheting projects, but while I have been sitting here in my recliner the past few weeks I have made yoyo's for one of my charity groups. We have a lovely lady, Dawn, who loves to join them into afghans, bless her soul. I have also made about 25 7" granny squares for several exchanges and other projects. I have many partial skeins and balls of yarn that I plan to use up on making squares and yoyo's the rest of the month. Gotta get my stash a little more organized.
I also went onto my AC4C (All Crafts 4 Charity) yahoo group to see what projects we are going to be working on for 2010. There are lots of baby projects, but I don't do baby things very well, at least not well enough to give to someone. :) So, I have volunteered to join squares for our group! Just call me crazy! I'm sure the mail lady will call me something different when she starts delivering bags and boxes of squares to my house! lol I have plenty of yarn to join them with and it is a no-brainer job. I can do it while watching TV with Howie. I am excited to be doing it, this is my calling.
I have a few boxes of lapghans to take to the nursing home and I have about 6 afghans I want to take over to the womans shelter. I need to get them out of here to make room for this new project. And I guess I need to get a bunch of scrapping things up on ebay to clear out some room on the back porch. Its the getting it all out and photographing it all that slows me down, figuring what I want to throw into each lot. I think I will sell all my small punches and get rid of alot of pattern paper and cardstock. If I can get rid of some of my Leaving Prints stock and the Out of The Box kits I would be happy. Storage is at a premium so I need to do something on that backporch in a hurry, what a mess. Collecting things is now my addiction, but I don't think AA or NA would be much help. Most of their 12 steps would not apply.
It is 3:30am (of course) and I need to get off here. I need to get my swiss steak started and in the crock pot and then go to bed. I can hardly wait to get to sleep, I have been having some crazy dreams the past week and can't wait to see what pops up tonight. I don't know if it is from the Zetia, it is the only new drug I have started taking at night. I guess I need to read the info sheet that came with it. I wouldn't think the mucinex would cause crazy dreams, but I guess it could be the nyquil! lol or one of the many other drugs I take daily to make it thru to the next day. LOL Well, poke me with a fork, I'm done!
This blog will highlight my pages, cards and other craft items, and what I am doing with The Angel Company, and anything else I care to go on about!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas is coming...
It's that time of year again. I used to love Christmas, the decorating, the shopping, the baking, Christmas caroling, driving around looking at the decorated houses. It was such a great time to see friends and family. Lucinda Stambaugh, my favorite MIL, God bless her soul, used to do it all for Christmas. I loved Christmas at her house. We were always making candy and baking cookies, and having a few little hot toddies. lol I loved her hard tack candy (Amy still makes it for Christmas), potato candy, divinity, peanut brittle, buckeyes and more. And Grandma Evans recipe for pumpkin cookies with cream cheese icing. uummm uummm uummm!
Wrapping presents was an "event". We would go over to the little house and presents would be stacked everywhere. And she had rolls and rolls of paper and every ribbon and wrapping decoration known to woman. She had embellishments she had put on the boys presents every year since birth. We would both be straddled out on the floor, carefully wrapping and decorating each gift. They each had to be just perfect, and the bows were spectacular. It was just so much fun and your butt was numb for days afterwards. lol
Her tree was always beautiful. Unlike ours which always seemed to be crooked. For at least 3 years I had to brace it to the ceiling with little wires to keep it from falling over. I don't even put a tree up in our little cottage anymore. There is not enough room, it is just too much work for me physically and I don't feel up to it emotionally either. I know I haven't decorated since dad died. I did buy a wreath for the front door last year, but that's the extent of it. I have 5 or 6 big totes in the basement with Christmas stuff in them that I haven't even looked at for years. Maybe someday I will get back to it, but not this year.
Anyway, I was just looking at some of my favorite blogs and the beautiful vintage Christmas decorations they had, and it just brought back some wonderful Christmas memories and I came here to write them down. So to all my friends and family... Have a Beautiful Christmas and share it with those you love!
Wrapping presents was an "event". We would go over to the little house and presents would be stacked everywhere. And she had rolls and rolls of paper and every ribbon and wrapping decoration known to woman. She had embellishments she had put on the boys presents every year since birth. We would both be straddled out on the floor, carefully wrapping and decorating each gift. They each had to be just perfect, and the bows were spectacular. It was just so much fun and your butt was numb for days afterwards. lol
Her tree was always beautiful. Unlike ours which always seemed to be crooked. For at least 3 years I had to brace it to the ceiling with little wires to keep it from falling over. I don't even put a tree up in our little cottage anymore. There is not enough room, it is just too much work for me physically and I don't feel up to it emotionally either. I know I haven't decorated since dad died. I did buy a wreath for the front door last year, but that's the extent of it. I have 5 or 6 big totes in the basement with Christmas stuff in them that I haven't even looked at for years. Maybe someday I will get back to it, but not this year.
Anyway, I was just looking at some of my favorite blogs and the beautiful vintage Christmas decorations they had, and it just brought back some wonderful Christmas memories and I came here to write them down. So to all my friends and family... Have a Beautiful Christmas and share it with those you love!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Not much going on...
Thought I would just post a little note. Not much going on scrapbook wise. I have been very busy crocheting and just haven't had enough time to scrap too! Kari is bringing me several disks of the kids pictures to download at Thanksgiving. We are having Thanksgiving at Tinika's this year, so maybe I can download Tinika's pictures too. That would be great. I don't have many pics of the girls.
Ok, I am done writing for now, more later....Patti
Ok, I am done writing for now, more later....Patti
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Just made a few more cards for a card swap and thought I would post them. I am off to a great retreat this weekend and I can hardly wait. I have some projects to make for an upcoming Christmas bazaar and will also take along a couple of crochet projects for when I am bored with crafting. I am also taking along my computer and a couple movies to watch while I'm working. And Howie has our CD's loaded on here too, so I'm all set to entertain myself when I am not socializing. I will also remember to take my heating pad this time! The chairs just weren't as comfy as my recliner and my back really got to hurting last time. Every thing but my clothes are packed. And I think I will pack up the car tomorrow if it's not raining. Loading and unloading the car in the same day just kills me. Thank God for modern drugs and pain killers, and curse the devil for fibromyalgia!
Okay, enough whing, here are my cards. Well, I thought I was going to post my cards, but apparently I am brain dead and can not get them to load onto here. I must need more coffee or diet Dew! lol
Okay, enough whing, here are my cards. Well, I thought I was going to post my cards, but apparently I am brain dead and can not get them to load onto here. I must need more coffee or diet Dew! lol
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My first try at digital scrapbooking!
I recently saw a demonstration on Smile Box for making digital scrapbooks and thought it looked so easy. And Lo and Behold, what do I find in my email box but a sample of Smile Box. I took a stab at it and I have to say it was every bit as easy as it looked. I haven't really had any time to scrapbook lately. In fact, I have a brand new Cricut sitting here that I haven't even opened yet. I have been spending too much time on my new addiction... crocheting for charity. I have even been selling a lot of my scrapbooking stuff on eBay to buy yarn instead of SB supplies. So JoAnn's is still getting my money, just in a different department. lol
Okay, so here is my digital scrapbook....
Okay, so here is my digital scrapbook....
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Made some cute cards this morning

This is my Anniversary card. The stamped image on the front is from the T.A.C. T-899 "Flower Collage Trio". The sentiment inside is from the T.A.C. T-160 "Best Wishes". Cardstock is Bazzile, and embossed images on the card from is Cuttlebug.

This is my masculine card. White cardstock is generic, blue cardstock is Bazzile, pattern paper is Leaving Prints. Stamped images on the front are from the T.A.C. T-2820 "Just a note" and I'm not sure what T.A.C. set the Love You is from. The fancy cut on the front is from a Fiskars edge punch.

This is my masculine card. White cardstock is generic, blue cardstock is Bazzile, pattern paper is Leaving Prints. Stamped images on the front are from the T.A.C. T-2820 "Just a note" and I'm not sure what T.A.C. set the Love You is from. The fancy cut on the front is from a Fiskars edge punch.

I really like the Sympathy card best. It looks alot better in person. I'm just not that good with my camera. The cardstock is Bazzill, the pattern paper is from the T.A.C. Willoughby paper collection, generic mini brads, the sentiment is from the T.A.C. T-2771 "With Sympathy" and is popped up. The stamp in the corner is from the T.A.C. T-2940 "Decorative Corners"
Now I need to get them bagged up and sent off to my swap. It has been forever since I scrapped or made anything. I 'm in the mood now, guess I will see what else I can come up with. Have a great Day! Miami County Fair is going on across the street. I think there is a funnel cake in my future! Gotta Love the Fair and carnival food!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
This should be easier....
I have just spent the last 2 hours trying to sent up this blog. What an ordeal. It should be easier for those of us who don't know what the heck we are doing..... meaning ME!!!
I have a blog over at SparkPeople.com and it was so easy to set up. Thank God. But I use that to discuss my weight loss progress and I wanted something for scrapbooking. And I have a Facebook page, and it wasn't that hard to set up, and I even have it linked up to my SparkPeople blog page. I thought with so many people using blogger.com it would be easier. All I can say is... NOT!
Anyway, I am going to be making some cards and working on some scrapbook pages and wanted a place where I can post them. Lord only knows what a deal that will be. I haven't been doing much scrapping lately. Seems like everytime I sit down at my scrap table my mind just goes blank. Not an idea in my head, nadda, nothing, just empty space!
I did work on a digital scrapbook last night. My first try at digital. I saw a story on a scrapbook show about Smilebox.com and it looked so easy. It only took her a few minutes to make an album. Well, yesterday in my e-mail box there was an advertisement from Smilebox.com! And it was free, I could try it for free. So, in far less time than it took me to set up this blog, maybe only 15 minutes, I made a cute little album, and it even has music with it! Here is the link to it, it is so cool. Putting in the journaling took the longest. I think I'm going to buy the yearly subscription, but first I wanted to see how much it costs to have the pages printed out, just to make sure it is worth it.
I also wanted to set up a blog for my crochet projects, but think I will look around at other host sites first.I have been crocheting things for different charities and crocheting some things for Christmas.And I want to be able to post them and some of my patterns.
Okay, I think I am done complaining now. Gotta get to bed. Long ay tomorrow followed with my Weight Watcher's weigh in and meeting. It hasn't been a good week for me food wise!
Later... Patti
I have a blog over at SparkPeople.com and it was so easy to set up. Thank God. But I use that to discuss my weight loss progress and I wanted something for scrapbooking. And I have a Facebook page, and it wasn't that hard to set up, and I even have it linked up to my SparkPeople blog page. I thought with so many people using blogger.com it would be easier. All I can say is... NOT!
Anyway, I am going to be making some cards and working on some scrapbook pages and wanted a place where I can post them. Lord only knows what a deal that will be. I haven't been doing much scrapping lately. Seems like everytime I sit down at my scrap table my mind just goes blank. Not an idea in my head, nadda, nothing, just empty space!
I did work on a digital scrapbook last night. My first try at digital. I saw a story on a scrapbook show about Smilebox.com and it looked so easy. It only took her a few minutes to make an album. Well, yesterday in my e-mail box there was an advertisement from Smilebox.com! And it was free, I could try it for free. So, in far less time than it took me to set up this blog, maybe only 15 minutes, I made a cute little album, and it even has music with it! Here is the link to it, it is so cool. Putting in the journaling took the longest. I think I'm going to buy the yearly subscription, but first I wanted to see how much it costs to have the pages printed out, just to make sure it is worth it.
I also wanted to set up a blog for my crochet projects, but think I will look around at other host sites first.I have been crocheting things for different charities and crocheting some things for Christmas.And I want to be able to post them and some of my patterns.
Okay, I think I am done complaining now. Gotta get to bed. Long ay tomorrow followed with my Weight Watcher's weigh in and meeting. It hasn't been a good week for me food wise!
Later... Patti
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